Buying a new mattress is an exciting time. You’ve likely done a fair amount of research and have gone into a mattress store or two to talk to some sales associates about what kind of firmness and materials you are looking for. Finally you’ve decided, made the purchase, the delivery went smoothly, and you are so excited to have your … Read More
How To Soundproof Your Nightly Sleeps
It’s always seemed amazing those people who can close their eyes and fall asleep literally anywhere –on a busy bus, next to train tracks, or with a party going on next door. Others are not so lucky – even the ticking of a quiet clock is too much sound! Or worse yet, a snoring partner or noisy neighbours. Many people … Read More
Is a Platform Bed Right for Me?
A mattress, bedding, and bed frame are investments that people will have to make every so often, and these days, the number of options can be difficult to wade through. Most people focus their attention on their mattress and often overlook the other key components to their sleep set up. The bed frame and what the mattress sits on is … Read More
To Share or Not to Share: Couples Edition
There are few things more important for optimal health and well-being than high quality, consistent rest. Proper sleep – for 7-8 hours a night of uninterrupted zzzz’s, reaching deep sleep – has necessary and positive benefits to mental, physical, and emotional health. And yet… so many people do not prioritize sleep. In fact, sleep often becomes the first thing on … Read More
How Sleeping With Artificial Light is Affecting Your Health
In the age of the portable and ever-present screen, are we sacrificing sleep just to scroll? How does artificial light affect the quality of our sleep? The science is in: artificial light, whether it’s emanating from your phone, the city street lights, or coming in through your eyelids from the clock beside your bed, has a detrimental impact on your … Read More
How Making Your Bed Can Affect Your Day
What category do you fall into – are you someone who makes your bed every morning or someone who leaves it be? People generally have pretty strong feelings about the habit of making the bed – they are either staunchly for the process or adamantly opposed to doing it, and there’s no convincing them to behave otherwise. The question is: … Read More
Scrolling and Sleeping: How Social Media is Affecting Your Night’s Rest
Here’s an important question: How well do you sleep? Unfortunately, millions of people these days will say, “not great.” There are many factors that lead to a person not being able to fall asleep or stay asleep, leading to a groggy morning and a day that is plagued by the consequences of a restless night. We all know that things … Read More
How to Keep Cool While Sleeping
The body is an intelligent machine that, when given the right conditions, is able to perfectly adapt to the complex world around it. Even when we sleep, the body is working hard to regulate its temperature. To keep us in the sleep state, to process the day, and to prepare for the next one. Natural thermoregulation, or the body’s ability … Read More
Arthritis and Sleep
Arthritis affects millions of people, in varying degrees of severity. But anyone afflicted with the condition will likely agree that learning to live with it takes a lot of time, patience and lifestyle adjustments. Arthritis is actually fairly misunderstood, and the term is broadly applied to joint pain, inflammation, and disease. Many people have heard of rheumatoid arthritis, which is … Read More
How Sleep Impacts Muscle Recovery and Injury Prevention?
After watching a big world sporting event, lots of people are inspired to take up sports or to get fit. So they lace up their runners, hit the gym, hire a trainer, join a team, and go hard. But one thing that people often forget about when it comes to getting strong and fit is how important rest is for … Read More