How Adjustable Beds Can Help Stop Snoring?


Let’s talk about snoring, or “sawing logs,” as we’ve (hilariously) heard it called before. When your partner or someone in your household is snoring, it’s a tricky spot to find yourself in. As irritating and frustrating as it is to endure, you can’t really blame the snorer. It’s not like they mean to keep you awake at all hours of … Read More

Best Mattress for Back Pain


In today’s world, it seems like back pain is just a part of life. Many people suffer from it and many people simply learn to tolerate it. But we don’t think it has to be that way. If you are one of millions of people suffering from back pain, there are many things you can do to try and help … Read More

Flip Your Mattress Regularly


Your mattress is one of the most important investments you can make. That might seem like an overstatement but any piece of furniture that you spend a third of your life on should be chosen with care and maintained properly. Many people don’t think much about maintaining their mattress but there are things you can do to extend the life … Read More

Wake Up Refreshed and Revitalized with CELLIANT Technology


There are numerous benefits to getting a healthy night’s sleep on a regular basis. When you wake up after a quality rest, you will experience less aches and pains in your joints and muscles, and your mind will also feel clear and prepared to face the day. Many people have likely sought out a number of sleep aids in their … Read More

Putting Insomnia to Rest


Let’s Put Insomnia to Rest! Running on Empty Sleep is a little like oxygen. You don’t miss it until you stop getting it. Although lack of sleep may not dispatch you as quickly as lack of oxygen, miss enough of it and you could find yourself wishing for a quick exit. If you’ve reached that stage, it’s time to declare … Read More