The Journey of Talalay Latex: Seed to Mattress

Have you ever seen one of those TV shows or videos online that show how something is made from start to finish? They show the step by step creation process of every day things like food products to pencils to gadgets and electronics, and it’s fascinating! Basically everything we use in our lives has a remarkable journey from conception to … Read More

Talalay Vs Dunlop


We’ve noticed that word is really getting around about latex mattresses. Even though latex mattresses have been on the market for many decades already, more and more consumers are discovering the benefits of these incredible mattresses. If you don’t know much about latex mattresses, let us be the first to fill you in on some of the basic facts. First, … Read More

Why We Recommend Talalay


The benefits of a good night’s sleep are well known. Waking up rested is scientifically proven to be beneficial to your physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. That is why we are so passionate about helping people achieve sleep health. People will go to great lengths to get a good sleep. They will buy blackout curtains, sleep masks, white noise machines, … Read More

What is Talalay Latex?


It seems like there is a new invention every day claiming to help people sleep better. It’s a large market to target, if you are one of the millions of people who have a hard time sleeping at night, you will probably try almost anything to get a good night’s rest. A good sleep goes a long way in a … Read More